A Hard Reset: April 2024 Texas Eclipse

Blog/A Hard Reset: April 2024 Texas Eclipse

Have you ever witnessed a total solar eclipse? Oh, my gosh. A huge hawk just flew by my window as I wrote this. mmm, that feels good.

On April 8, 2024, my husband Jon Medina and I were in Austin, Texas for the total solar eclipse. It left a profound impact on me. This natural phenomenon reminded me of the interconnectedness of celestial bodies and deepened my understanding of the cosmos and our place within it.

​During the eclipse, the moon completely blocked the sun from our viewpoint, casting darkness upon us. Our friend David McConaghay, an astrological expert, used the analogy of the Solar Eclipse as a “hard reset” on a cell phone or other piece of technology. Everything goes black and is rebooted during this time. He recommended that we be focused on how and what we are resetting during the time of the eclipse. So, during totality, we fell into reverent silence, embracing prayer and meditation. We opened ourselves to the cosmic reset, the portal, the convergence of darkness and light that the eclipse symbolized.

In that moment of totality, there were so many clouds. The eclipse was in and out of visibility, and I felt a strong urge to try to “part the clouds” with my imagination. My ego wanted to SEE the eclipse. This is what we came for after all. I wanted an “unobstructed view.” However, a divine message and reminder resonated within me: "Just trust, Eleanor. Watch life unfold as it is. Embrace what is present without trying to change it, control it, manipulate it." This message served as a profound reminder to appreciate life and to STOP attempting to control or manipulate it. To change the course of what is happening in the cosmos is not my responsibility, nor can I, so I practiced surrendering to the moment and watching without trying to “control” the outcome. What a powerful practice this was for me at this potent time of reset.

I am immensely grateful to the Mother Earth for the wisdom she imparts through such experiences. The dance of the sun, moon, and Earth in the vast expanse of the cosmos, and my teeny, tiny place in it all is a testimate to the mystery we are living. This interconnectedness fosters humility and awe, reminding me, and so many of us of our place in the grandeur of the magnificent Universe.

What was your experience on the witnessing the total solar eclipse? I'd love to hear from your unique perspectives on this cosmic event!

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Hi, I'm Eleanor!

Founder + CEO of The Makaranda Method

I am first and foremost, a lover of the Earth on a mission to reconnect humans back with our beautiful planet. Because, when we're connected with the Earth, we're connected with ourselves and each other.

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