Learnings from "How the Environmental Movement Can Find Its Way Again"

Blog/Positive Change/Learnings from "How the Environmental Movement Can Find Its Way Again"
In the midst of challenges, may we find moments of peace  This meditation practice is offered as a beacon of light for those impacted by natural disasters in the United States and beyond  Together (1) png

Art credit: Jazminn Caballero

She is alive, our Mother Earth.

The forests are her lungs.
The rivers are her veins.
The oceans and reefs are her liver, filtering the intricate systems of life.
The land, her body, holding every step.

The orcas, trout, finches, tigers, boas, elephants, fireflies, and bees are the rhythm of her heartbeat, each essential to the harmony of this miraculous planet. The only one we know of this kind.

We, as humans, are her hands and her voice—alive because of her generosity and a mystical wonder. We are capable of nurturing her with gratitude or deepening her wounds.

The choice is ours.

By keeping forests intact and healthy, we allow her lungs to heal. Opening the dams lets her sacred waters flow freely again. We can stop digging, paving, and cutting into her beautiful skin.

We can honor her by composting and cultivating gardens, both in and outside our homes. By choosing dirt over concrete and barefoot shoes, we can reconnect with the life she offers.

Protecting her habitats keeps the intricate web of life flowing, reminding us to treat our Mother Earth—not as a commodity—but as our shared home, a place of profound beauty and interconnection. She is a jewel in the universe, and we must do everything we can to be of service.

Read this incredible article by Charles Eisenstein to deepen these concepts and learn how the environmental movement can find its way again.

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Hi, I'm Eleanor!

Founder + CEO of The Makaranda Method

I am first and foremost, a lover of the Earth on a mission to reconnect humans back with our beautiful planet. Because, when we're connected with the Earth, we're connected with ourselves and each other.

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