Access the community, introduce yourself, and begin diving into your learning materials.
We host our weekly "Honey Talks 🍯" on Tuesdays from 10-11am MST.
Use this Zoom link each time.
We also send a weekly email called "The Buzz." It is made to inspire to sting you into alignment.
1) Come as you are.
2) Arrive promptly, ready to meditate.
3) Bring a coffee/tea and a big glass of filtered water!
4) Be fully present with us for one hour
Each week we work with what organically arises in the group field.
✔️ Mind
✔️ Body
✔️ Soul
✔️ Biz
Contact us any time for support. Our customer support email is
© 2024 Makaranda PLLC - All Rights Reserved
6635 S Dayton St Ste 310, Greenwood Village, CO 80111|